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Search results: 6
Search results: 6

4 room apartment 204.9 м², Instytutska st., 18б, Kyiv

123 000* uah

3 000 $ (1$=41.05 uah)
2 770 € (1€=44.45 uah)

Resident Complexes: Lypska Vezha

A luxury apartment is offered for rent near the verkhovna rada, mariinsky park, the presidential adm...
Object Code: B-80319 Read more
Resident Complexes: Lypska Vezha, Instytutska st., 18б
4 room, 204.9 Sq m 4 room, 204 Sq m 4 room, 200 Sq m 4 room, 200 Sq m 4 room, 200 Sq m 4 room, 222 Sq m

4 room apartment 204 м², Instytutska st., 18а, Kyiv

144 000* uah

3 500 $ (1$=41.05 uah)
3 230 € (1€=44.45 uah)

Resident Complexes: Lypska Vezha

Vip apartment in an elite house with a new designer renovation in the style of modern classics. thre...
Object Code: D-24499 Read more
Resident Complexes: Lypska Vezha, Instytutska st., 18а
4 room, 204.9 Sq m 4 room, 204 Sq m 4 room, 200 Sq m 4 room, 200 Sq m 4 room, 200 Sq m 4 room, 222 Sq m

4 room apartment 200 м², Instytutska st., 18б, Kyiv

144 000* uah

3 500 $ (1$=41.05 uah)
3 230 € (1€=44.45 uah)

Resident Complexes: Lypska Vezha

Luxurious premium-class house, author's design, exquisite elegance, built-in kitchen, home appliance...
Object Code: B-80320 Read more
Resident Complexes: Lypska Vezha, Instytutska st., 18б
4 room, 204.9 Sq m 4 room, 204 Sq m 4 room, 200 Sq m 4 room, 200 Sq m 4 room, 200 Sq m 4 room, 222 Sq m

4 room apartment 200 м², Instytutska st., 18б, Kyiv

144 000* uah

3 500 $ (1$=41.05 uah)
3 230 € (1€=44.45 uah)

Resident Complexes: Lypska Vezha

Luxurious premium-class house, vip-level repair, built-in kitchen, jacuzzi, built-in kitchen househo...
Object Code: B-80329 Read more
Resident Complexes: Lypska Vezha, Instytutska st., 18б
4 room, 204.9 Sq m 4 room, 204 Sq m 4 room, 200 Sq m 4 room, 200 Sq m 4 room, 200 Sq m 4 room, 222 Sq m

4 room apartment 200 м², Instytutska st., 18б, Kyiv

164 000* uah

4 000 $ (1$=41.05 uah)
3 690 € (1€=44.45 uah)

Resident Complexes: Lypska Vezha

In the heart of the capital, elite building of premium class, repair of vip-level in 2010 , three ba...
Object Code: B-80327 Read more
Resident Complexes: Lypska Vezha, Instytutska st., 18б
4 room, 204.9 Sq m 4 room, 204 Sq m 4 room, 200 Sq m 4 room, 200 Sq m 4 room, 200 Sq m 4 room, 222 Sq m

4 room apartment 222 м², Instytutska st., 18а, Kyiv

205 000* uah

5 000 $ (1$=41.05 uah)
4 620 € (1€=44.45 uah)

Resident Complexes: Lypska Vezha

Vip-class lcd "lipskaya tower", renovation of vip-level in the style of "minimalism", marble window...
Object Code: M-21005 Read more
Resident Complexes: Lypska Vezha, Instytutska st., 18а
4 room, 204.9 Sq m 4 room, 204 Sq m 4 room, 200 Sq m 4 room, 200 Sq m 4 room, 200 Sq m 4 room, 222 Sq m


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