Pushkutse Oleh

Pushkutse Oleh
Estate agency Blagovest


"We worked with broker Oleg Pushkutse. Works qualitatively and professionally. Was able to order additional documents from abroad, which were necessary for the conclusion of the agreement, and also organized translation and delivery. I recommend"
“I would like to express my gratitude to Blagovest, namely to Oleg Pushkutse, for pleasant communication, professionally organized competent approach to the transaction support! I will recommend you to my friends and acquaintances! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!”
Feedback about cooperation with the consultant of "Blagovist" company You can send to the address feedback@blagovist.ua We wish you fruitful cooperation!

All realtor objects

Sale Apartment
Sale House
Sale Nonlive


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Press office: press@blagovist.ua
Web-site editor: webeditor@blagovist.ua