Fedorova Oksana

Fedorova Oksana
Estate agency Blagovest


I recently contacted Blagovest to help me buy an apartment. I was pleasantly surprised by the attitude of the staff towards customers. I would like to note the high professionalism of Oksana Vladimirovna Nedashkovskaya and Oksana Nikolaevna Fedorova. They took into account all my wishes concerning the future apartment, for which I am very grateful to them. Zabarа V.L.
Feedback about cooperation with the consultant of "Blagovist" company You can send to the address feedback@blagovist.ua We wish you fruitful cooperation!

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Sale Apartment
Sale Nonlive
Sale House


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Comercial offers: reklama@blagovist.ua
Press office: press@blagovist.ua
Web-site editor: webeditor@blagovist.ua