Apartments for rent Honchara Olesia st.

Apartment rental Honchara Olesia st. Kyiv
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4 room apartment 120 м², Honchara Olesia st., 45в, Kyiv

47 900* uah

1 200 $ (1$=39.96 uah)
1 120 € (1€=42.9 uah)
We offer you a luxurious three-room apartment in the historical center of the capital, in a classic...
Object Code: N-2679 Read more

3 room apartment 170 м², Honchara Olesia st., 41а, Kyiv

32 000* uah

800 $ (1$=39.96 uah)
744 € (1€=42.9 uah)
Spacious apartment in the ministerial building in the center of kyiv. large living room, two separat...
Object Code: D-38570 Read more
Honchara Olesia st., 41а
3 room, 170 Sq m 5 room, 210 Sq m

5 room apartment 210 м², Honchara Olesia st., 41а, Kyiv

91 900* uah

2 300 $ (1$=39.96 uah)
2 140 € (1€=42.9 uah)
A spacious apartment in a ministerial building in the center of kyiv. two bedrooms, living room, off...
Object Code: D-38569 Read more
Honchara Olesia st., 41а
3 room, 170 Sq m 5 room, 210 Sq m


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