Apartments for sale Residential complex Riviera

Apartment sale Kyiv
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3 room apartment 85.4 м², Tsentralʹna st., 21а, Kyiv

5 970 000* uah

150 000 $ (1$=39.8 uah)
139 000 € (1€=42.85 uah)

Resident Complexes: Riviera

We offer you to purchase a 3rd apartment divided into 2 one-room independent apartments in kyiv near...
Object Code: R-56397 Read more
Resident Complexes: Riviera, Tsentralʹna st., 21а
3 room, 85.4 Sq m 3 room, 93.5 Sq m

3 room apartment 93.5 м², Tsentralʹna st., 21а, Kyiv

9 114 000* uah

229 000 $ (1$=39.8 uah)
213 000 € (1€=42.85 uah)

Resident Complexes: Riviera

The apartment is sold with all furniture, household appliances, chandeliers, textiles. the apartment...
Object Code: C-112775 Read more
Resident Complexes: Riviera, Tsentralʹna st., 21а
3 room, 85.4 Sq m 3 room, 93.5 Sq m


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