Apartments for sale Konovalcia Evhena (Shchorsa) st. 32г

Apartment sale Konovalcia Evhena (Shchorsa) st. 32г Kyiv
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4 room apartment 157.2 м², Konovalcia Evhena (Shchorsa) st., 32г, Kyiv

8 390 000* uah

210 000 $ (1$=39.96 uah)
196 000 € (1€=42.9 uah)

Resident Complexes: Mytets

Spacious apartment in a modern brick building in the center of the city in pechersk. rational planni...
Object Code: M-37182 Read more
Resident Complexes: Mytets, Konovalcia Evhena (Shchorsa) st., 32г
4 room, 157.2 Sq m 4 room, 213 Sq m 5 room, 160 Sq m 3 room, 90 Sq m

4 room apartment 213 м², Konovalcia Evhena (Shchorsa) st., 32г, Kyiv

15 980 000* uah

400 000 $ (1$=39.96 uah)
372 000 € (1€=42.9 uah)

Resident Complexes: Mytets

4-room apartments in a modern business-class building of the mitets residential complex. the apartme...
Object Code: M-37875 Read more
Resident Complexes: Mytets, Konovalcia Evhena (Shchorsa) st., 32г
4 room, 157.2 Sq m 4 room, 213 Sq m 5 room, 160 Sq m 3 room, 90 Sq m

5 room apartment 160 м², Konovalcia Evhena (Shchorsa) st., 32г, Kyiv

29 960 000* uah

750 000 $ (1$=39.96 uah)
698 000 € (1€=42.9 uah)

Resident Complexes: Mytets

Two-level apartment in yelitnomu new house in the city center. closed and tidy houses adjoining terr...
Object Code: G-1325065 Read more
Resident Complexes: Mytets, Konovalcia Evhena (Shchorsa) st., 32г
4 room, 157.2 Sq m 4 room, 213 Sq m 5 room, 160 Sq m 3 room, 90 Sq m

3 room apartment 90 м², Konovalcia Evhena (Shchorsa) st., 32г, Kyiv

9 189 000* uah

230 000 $ (1$=39.96 uah)
214 000 € (1€=42.9 uah)

Resident Complexes: Mytets

A wonderful apartment with functional planning in a modern brick building in the city center, built...
Object Code: H-41767 Read more
Resident Complexes: Mytets, Konovalcia Evhena (Shchorsa) st., 32г
4 room, 157.2 Sq m 4 room, 213 Sq m 5 room, 160 Sq m 3 room, 90 Sq m


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